
  食品的標準   Standard   本好產品按GB12706《額定的電流值35KV及之下銅芯、鋁芯pp塑料耐壓電能線纜》標制造,與此同時還可要根據用戶名想要按國際英文焊工分委會會舉薦標IEC、英 國家行業標、德家行業標及新加坡家行業標制造。   The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706 or IEC , BS , DIN and ICEA upon request.   最合適時間范圍   Applications   本商品應適用額定的輸出功率35KV及下面的供電系統網或工業品控制系統中不變敷設的用法。   The product is suitable for use in power distribution networks or fixed installations for industrial equipments with rated voltage up to and including 35KV.   食用功能   Operating characteristics   1、 ● 額定功率電阻3.6/6KV~26/35KV化學交聯聚乙稀電絕緣功率線纜   XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U:3.6/6KV~26/35KV.   ● 拖鏈電纜導體的充許常期高工作任務溫度表為90℃。   Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃   ● 燒壞時(長持續性周期不可超越5s)纜線導體的室溫度不可超越250℃。   Max.short-circuit temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250℃.(5s Max. Duration)   ● 敷設電攬時情況熱度應不不高于0℃。   The bending radius of single-core cable shall not less than 20 times of the cable diameter   The bending radius of three-cores cable shall not less than 15 times of the cable diameter   2、 ● 功率電流值0.6/1kv交連聚氯乙烯隔熱電量線纜   XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U : 0.6/1KV   ● 電覽導體的準許太久高辦公溫暖為90℃。   Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor : 90℃   ● 過壓時(長將延續時間段不低于5s)數據線導體的中高溫度不低于250 ℃   Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed 250 ℃   ● 敷設纜線時環境濕度應不超過0 ℃   The ambient temperature under installation shall not below 0 ℃   ● 電線通信電纜彎折回轉半徑不值為電線通信電纜外徑15倍   The bending radius of a cable shall not less than 15 times of the cable diameter .   3、 ● 額定容量線電壓0.6/1KV聚氯乙稀絕緣性電力公司低壓電纜。   PVC Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U : 0.6/1KV   ● 電線電纜導體的支持暫時高本職工作攝氏度為70 ℃   Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor : 70 ℃   ● 擊穿時(長繼續準確時間不超越5s)纜線導體常溫度不超越:160℃   Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed :160℃   ● 敷設數據線時室內溫濕度表應不大于0 ℃   The ambient temperature under installation shall not below 0 ℃   ● 低壓電力電纜曲折直徑不乘以低壓電力電纜外徑10倍   The bending radius of a cable shall not be less than 10 times of the cable diameter.   纜線特殊輸出功率的考慮   Voltage designation   ● 線纜線的額定功率相電壓應是和于線纜線用平臺的加載問題,用Uo/U(Um)kv提出。   Uo—低壓電纜來設計用的導體與屏避或材料套區間內的額定值工頻輸出功率;   U—電纜電線設計制作用的導體之間的額定功率工頻端電壓;   Um—機器可接受的“高系統化直流電壓”的大值。   The rated voltage of the cable for a given application shall be suitable for the operating conditions in the system in which the cable is used , and is expressed in the form Uo/U(Um)kv .   Where:   Uo—The rated power-frequency voltage between conductor and screen or metallic-sheath , for which the cable designed;   U — The rated power –frequency voltage between conductors , for which the cable designed ;   Um—The maximum value of the “highest system voltage “ for which the equipment may be operated.

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